What is the difference between a resolution and a decision?
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024
Views: 48327
Resolutions are formal expressions of the opinion or will of UN organs.
Decisions are another type of formal action taken by UN bodies. They often concern procedural matters such as elections, appointments, time and place of future sessions. They are sometimes also used to record the adoption of a text representing the consensus of the members of a given organ.
General Assembly resolutions and decisions have the same legal status.
General Assembly resolutions
- reflect the views of the Member States,
- provide policy recommendations,
- assign mandates to the UN Secretariat and the subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly, and
- decide on all questions regarding the UN budget.
With the exception of decisions regarding payments to the regular and peacekeeping budgets of the UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in resolutions/decisions is the responsibility of each Member State. (Source: GA Handbook)
Links & Files
- Article 18 of the UN Charter provides information on how decisions and resolutions are voted for Opens in new window
- Research Guide : Types of UN Documents Opens in new window
- Research Guide : How to Find UN Documents : Resolutions Opens in new window
- The GA Handbook: a practical Guide to the United Nations General Assembly Opens in new window
- UN Handbook Opens in new window
- Ask DAG: Are UN resolutions binding? Opens in new window
- Ask DAG: What is the hierarchy of norms in the UN legal order? Opens in new window
- Ask DAG (Chinese): 决议和决定有何区别? Opens in new window
- Ask DAG (French): Quelle est la différence entre une résolution et une décision ? Opens in new window
- Ask DAG (Spanish): ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una resolución y una decisión? Opens in new window
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