Where can I find information about United Kingdom and the UN?
Last Updated: Nov 08, 2024     Views: 5705

The following information comes from the UN Membership research guide: 



Former FAQ: Where can I find statements made by the United Kingdom during the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly?

FAQs about the General Debate provide comprehensive historic information (1946-2021) and are not updated after the 76th session of the General Assembly. For the latest General Debate statements, see the continually updated research tools linked below.

Representatives of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have delivered statements at the following meetings during the General Debate of the General Assembly:

76th sess. [2021, 22 Sept.]: A/76/PV.9*: Prime Minister Boris Johnson

75th sess. [2020, 26 Sept.]: A/75/PV.12*: Prime Minister Boris Johnson

74th sess. [2019, 24 Sept.]: A/74/PV.4*: Prime Minister Boris Johnson

73rd sess. [2018, 26 Sept.]: A/73/PV.8*: Prime Minister Theresa May 

72nd sess. [2017, 20 Sept.]: A/72/PV.8*: Prime Minister Theresa May 

71st sess. [2016, 20 Sept.]: A/71/PV.8*: Prime Minister Theresa May

2016, 19 Sept.: A/71/PV.4 A*: Prime Minister Theresa May (High-level Plenary Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants)

70th sess. [2015, 29 Sept.]: A/70/PV.18: Philip Hammond  (A/70/PV.27: Thomas Meek)

69th sess. [2014]: A/69/PV.8: Prime Minister David Cameron

68th sess. [2013]: A/68/PV.15: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

67th sess. [2012, 26 Sept.]: A/67/PV.9*: Prime Minister David Cameron

66th sess. [2011, 22 Sept.]: A/66/PV.15*: Prime Minister David Cameron, A/66/385 (written statement in exercise of right of reply)

65th sess. [2010]: A/65/PV.14: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

2010, 22 Sept.: A/65/PV.9: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals)

2010, 6 July: A/64/PV.105*: Queen Elizabeth II

64th sess. [2009, 23 Sept.]: A/64/PV.3*: Prime Minister Gordon Brown (A/64/466 and A/64/479: written statements in exercise of right of reply)

63rd sess. [2008, 26 Sept.]: A/63/PV.11*: Gordon Brown (A/63/462 and A/63/475: written statements in exercise of right of reply)

62nd sess. [2007]: A/62/PV.9: David Miliband (A/62/481: written statement in exercise of right of reply)

61st sess. [2006]: A/61/PV.16: Margaret Beckett (A/61/488 and A/61/535: written statements in exercise of right of reply)

60th sess. [2005, 16 Sept.]: A/60/PV.9: Jack Straw (A/60/PV.14 and A/60/PV.16: Simon Williams, A/60/373: written statement in exercise of right of reply)

2005, 14 Sept.: A/60/PV.3 and A/60/PV.4*: Prime Minister Tony Blair

59th sess. [2004]: A/59/PV.8: Jack Straw (A/59/406: written statement in exercise of right of reply)

58th sess. [2003]: A/58/PV.11: Jack Straw (A/58/407 and A/58/408: written statements in exercise of right of reply)

57th sess. [2002]: A/57/PV.6: Jack Straw (A/57/PV.13: Stewart Eldon, A/57/407: written statement in exercise of right of reply)

56th sess. [2001]: A/56/PV.46: Jack Straw (A/56/PV.47 A/56/PV.49: Stewart Eldon, A/56/616: written statement in exercise of right of reply)

55th sess. [2000]: A/55/PV.14: Robin Cook (A/55/PV.15: Eldon Stewart, A/55/PV.28: Alistair Harrison), A/55/550 (written statement in exercise of right of reply)

2000, 7 Sept.: S/PV.4194*: Prime Minister Tony Blair

2000, 6 Sept.: A/55/PV.3*: Prime Minister Tony Blair (United Nations Millennium Summit)

54th sess. [1999]: A/54/PV.5: Robin Cook (A/54/PV.7: David Richmond, A/54/PV.19: Katherine Smith, A/54/420: written statement in exercise of right of reply)

53rd sess. [1998, 21 Sept.]: A/53/PV.7*: Prime Minister Tony Blair (A/53/PV.8: Jeremy Greenstock, A/53/PV.12: Eldon Stewart, A/53/PV.20: David Richmond)

1998: 8 June: A/S-20/PV.1: Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott

52nd sess. [1997]: A/52/PV.7: Robin Cook (A/52/PV.10A/52/PV.14 and A/52/PV.18: Sir John Weston, A/52/PV.22: Stephen Gomersall)

1997, 23 June: A/S-19/PV.1*: Prime Minister Tony Blair

51st sess. [1996]: A/51/PV.6: Malcolm Rifkind (A/51/PV.5A/51/PV.13 and A/51/PV.19: Stephen Gomersall, A/51/PV.17: C.J.C. Hollis)

1995, 23 Oct.: A/50/PV.37*: Prime Minister John Major (Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations)

50th sess. [1995]: A/50/PV.6: Malcolm Rifkind (A/50/PV.9A/50/PV.11A/50/PV.17 and A/50/PV.21: Stephen Gomersall)

49th sess. [1994]: A/49/PV.8: Douglas Hurd

48th sess. [1993]: A/48/PV.6: Douglas Hurd (A/48/PV.7: Thomas L. Richardson)

47th sess. [1992]: A/47/PV.6: Douglas Hurd (A/47/PV.5: Thomas L. Richardson)

1992, 31 Jan.: S/PV.3046*: Prime Minister John Major

46th sess. [1991]: A/46/PV.8: Douglas Hurd

45th sess. [1990]: A/45/PV.8: Douglas Hurd

1990, 24 Apr.:  A/S-18/PV.4: Lynda Chalker

1990, 21 Feb.: A/S-17/PV.3: Douglas Hurd

1989, 8 Nov.: A/44/PV.48*: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

44th sess. [1989]: A/44/PV.8: John Major

43rd sess. [1988]: A/43/PV.8: Geoffrey Howe 

42nd sess. [1987]: A/42/PV.8: Geoffrey Howe 

41st sess. [1986]: A/41/PV.6: Geoffrey Howe

1985, 24 Oct.: A/40/PV.48*: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (Commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the United Nations)

40th sess. [1985]: A/40/PV.9: Geoffrey Howe

39th sess. [1984]: A/39/PV.9: Geoffrey Howe

38th sess. [1983]: A/38/PV.10: Geoffrey Howe (A/38/PV.6: N.J. Barrington, A/38/PV.33: John W.D. Margetson)

37th sess. [1982]: A/37/PV.9: Francis Pym (A/37/PV.30: John Thomson, A/37/PV.34: W.E.Hamilton Whyte)

1982, 23 June: A/S-12/PV.24*: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

36th sess. [1981]: A/36/PV.8: Lord Peter Alexander Rupert Carrington (A/36/PV.12 and  A/36/PV.20: Marrack Goulding, A/36/PV.30: Sir Anthony Parsons)

35th sess. [1980]: A/35/PV.7: Lord Peter Alexander Rupert Carrington (A/35/PV.31 and A/35/PV.33: Sir Anthony Parsons)

34th sess. [1979]: A/34/PV.8: Lord Peter Alexander Rupert Carrington (A/34/PV.8: Philip R.A. Mansfield, A/34/PV.21: David Neil Lane)

33rd sess. [1978]: A/33/PV.10: David Anthony Llewellyn Owen

1978, 2 June: A/S-10/PV.14*: Prime Minister James Callaghan

32nd sess. [1977]: A/32/PV.9: David Anthony Llewellyn Owen

31st sess. [1976]: A/31/PV.17: Anthony Crosland (A/31/PV.6 and A/31/PV.20: James Murray, A/31/PV.16: Thomas L. Richardson)

30th sess. [1975]: A/PV.2358: James Callaghan (A/PV.2358: James Murray, A/PV.2368, A/PV.2372 and A/PV.2380: Ivor Richard)

29th sess. [1974]: A/PV.2240: James Callaghan (A/PV.2245 and A/PV.2253: Ivor Richard)

28th sess. [1973]: A/PV.2128: Alec Douglas-Home (A/PV.2133 and A/PV.2135: Donald Maitland)

27th sess. [1972]: A/PV.2042: Alec Douglas-Home (A/PV.2047: Kenneth D. Jamieson)

26th sess. [1971]: A/PV.1944: Alec Douglas-Home (A/PV.1959: Colin T. Crowe)

1970, 23 Oct.: A/PV.1881*: Prime Minister Edward Heath (Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the United Nations)

25th sess. [1970]: A/PV.1848: Alec Douglas-Home (A/PV.1857: Colin T. Crowe)

1970, 26 Jan.: Prime Minister Harold Wilson [visit only]

24th sess. [1969]: A/PV.1759: Michael Stewart (A/PV.1768: Lord Caradon)

23rd sess. [1968]: A/PV.1693: Michael Stewart (A/PV.1680 and A/PV.1698: David Hildyard)

22nd sess. [1967]: A/PV.1567: George Brown (A/PV.1579 and A/PV.1582: Leslie Glass)

1967, 4 Oct.: Princess Alexandra [visit only]

1967, 3 June: Prime Minister Harold Wilson [visit only]

21st sess. [1966]: A/PV.1436: George Brown

1965, 16 Dec.: A/PV.1397*: Prime Minister Harold Wilson

20th sess. [1965]: A/PV.1351: Michael Stewart (A/PV.1340 and A/PV.1344: Lord Caradon)

1965, 14 Apr.: Prime Minister Harold Wilson [visit only]

19th sess. [1964-1965]: A/PV.1316: Lord Caradon (A/PV.1292 and A/PV.1318: Lord Caradon A/PV.1295 and A/PV.1301: Cecil E. King,)

18th sess. [1963]: A/PV.1222: Lord Home (A/PV.1212A/PV.1213 and A/PV.1217: Patrick Dean, A/PV.1214: Cecil E. King, A/PV.1219: Lord Home, A/PV.1234 and A/PV.1237: Peter Thomas)

17th sess. [1962]: A/PV.1134: Lord Home (A/PV.1129A/PV.1138 and A/PV.1152: Colin T. Crowe, A/PV.1134 and A/PV.1149: Patrick Dean)

1962, 26 Apr.: Prime Minister Harold Macmillan [visit only]

16th sess. [1961]: A/PV.1017: Lord Home (A/PV.1019: Baron Hugh Foot Caradon, A/PV.1028: Joseph B. Godber, A/PV.1035: Patrick Dean)

15th sess. [1960, 29 Sept.]: A/PV.877*: Prime Minister Harold Macmillan

14th sess. [1959]: A/PV.798: Selwyn Loyd (A/PV.821: Pierson Dixon)

13th sess. [1958]: A/PV.758: Selwyn Loyd

1957, 21 Oct.: A/PV.707*: Queen Elizabeth II

12th sess. [1957]: A/PV.685: Selwyn Loyd

11th sess. [1956]: A/PV.611: Pierson Dixon

10th sess. [1955]: A/PV.529: Harold Macmillan

9th sess. [1954]: A/PV.487: Selwyn Loyd

8th sess. [1953]: A/PV.443: Selwyn Loyd

7th sess. [1952]: A/PV.393: Anthony Eden

6th sess. [1951]: A/PV.339: Anthony Eden

5th sess. [1950]: A/PV.283: Ernest Bevin

1950, 8 Dec.: Prime Minister Clement Richard Attlee [visit only]

4th sess. [1949]: A/PV.229: Ernest Bevin

3rd sess. [1948]: A/PV.144: Ernest Bevin

2nd sess. [1947]: A/PV.88: Hector McNeil

1st sess. [1946]: A/PV.37: Philip Noel-Baker

1946, 10 Jan.: A/PV.1*: Prime Minister Clement Richard Attlee

1946, 9 Jan.: King George VI [visit only]

Note: An asterisk [*] indicates a statement made by a Head of State or Government or a dignitary. Symbols in parentheses indicates right of reply. Symbols where no session information is given indicates that the statement was delivered during a High Level Meeting.


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