Where can I find information about Pakistan and the UN?
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025
Views: 6641
The following information comes from the UN Membership research guide:
Former FAQ: Where can I find statements made by Pakistan during the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly?
FAQs about the General Debate provide comprehensive historic information (1946-2021) and are not updated after the 76th session of the General Assembly. For the latest General Debate statements, see the continually updated research tools linked below.
Representatives of Pakistan have delivered statements at the following General Debates of the General Assembly:
76th sess. [2021, 24 Sept.]: A/76/PV.13*: Prime Minister Imran Khan (A/76/PV.13)
75th sess. [2020, 25 Sept.]: A/75/PV.10*: Prime Minister Imran Khan (A/75/PV.11)
74th sess. [2019, 27 Sept.]: A/74/PV.9*: Prime Minister Imran Khan (A/74/PV.12)
73rd sess. [2018, 29 Sept.] : A/73/PV.14: Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi
72nd sess. [2017, 21 Sept.]: A/72/PV.14*: Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
71st sess. [2016, 21 Sept.]: A/71/PV.11*: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
2016, 19 Sept.: A/71/PV.4 A*: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (High-level Plenary Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants)
70th sess. [2015, 30 Sept.]: A/70/PV.19*: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (A/70/PV.24: Bilal Ahmad)
69th sess. [2014, 26 Sept.]: A/69/PV.12*: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (A/69/PV.16: Diyar Khan)
68th sess. [2013]: A/68/PV.15*: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (A/68/PV.22: Asim Iftikhar Ahmad)
67th sess. [2012, 25 Sept.]: A/67/PV.7*: President Asif Ali Zardari (A/67/PV.21: Raza Bashir Tarar)
66th sess. [2011]: A/66/PV.29: Hina Rabbani Khar
65th sess. [2010]: A/65/PV.21: Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi (A/65/PV.24: Amjad Hussain B. Sial)
2010, 21 Sept.: A/65/PV.5: Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi (High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals)
64th sess. [2009, 25 Sept.]: A/64/PV.7*: President Asif Ali Zardari
63rd sess. [2008, 25 Sept.]: A/63/PV.10*: President Asif Ali Zardari
62nd sess. [2007]: A/62/PV.14: Riaz Mohammad Khan
61st sess. [2006, 19 Sept.]: A/61/PV.10*: President Pervez Musharraf
60th sess. [2005]: A/60/PV.18: Khurshid M. Kasuri
2005, 14 Sept.: A/60/PV.3* and A/60/PV.4*: President Pervez Musharraf
59th sess. [2004, 22 Sept.]: A/59/PV.5*: President Pervez Musharraf
58th sess. [2003, 24 Sept.]: A/58/PV.9*: President Pervez Musharraf (A/58/PV.12: Munir Akram)
57th sess. [2002, 12 Sept.]: A/57/PV.2*: President Pervez Musharraf (A/57/PV.5: Munir Akram)
56th sess. [2001, 10 Nov.]: A/56/PV.45*: President Pervez Musharraf
55th sess. [2000]: A/55/PV.20: Abdul Sattar
2000, 6 Sept.: A/55/PV.4*: President Pervez Musharraf (United Nations Millennium Summit)
54th sess. [1999]: A/54/PV.9: Sartaj Aziz (A/54/PV.9: Inam ul Haque)
53rd sess. [1998, 23 Sept.]: A/53/PV.12*: Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif
1998, 9 June: A/S-20/PV.4: Ahmad Kamal
52nd sess. [1997, 22 Sept.]: A/52/PV.6*: Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif (A/52/PV.20: Burhanul Islam)
51st sess. [1996, 3 Oct.]: A/51/PV.20*: Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
1995, 24 Oct.: A/50/PV.39*: Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto (Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations)
50th sess [1995]: A/50/PV.8: Sardar Aseff Ahmad Ali (A/50/PV.9 and A/50/PV.13, A/50/PV.19: Ahmad Kamal, A/50/PV.21: Khalid Aziz Babar)
49th sess. [1994]: A/49/PV.16: Sardar Aseff Ahmad Ali (A/49/PV.17: Munir Akram)
48th sess. [1993]: A/48/PV.9: Abdul Sattar (A/48/PV.9: Munir Akram)
47th sess. [1992]: A/47/PV.7: Muhammad Siddique Khan Kanju (A/47/PV.7: Sher Afghan Khan)
46th sess. [1991]: A/46/PV.14: Muhammad Siddique Khan Kanju (A/46/PV.15: Shaukat Umer)
45th sess. [1990]: A/45/PV.12: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan (A/45/PV.13: Jamsheed Marker, A/45/PV.23: Shaukat Umer)
1990, 24 Apr.: A/S-18/PV.4: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan
1990, 21 Feb.: A/S-17/PV.3: K.D. Khan
44th sess. [1989]: A/44/PV.18: Nusrat Bhutto (A/44/PV.11: Shaukat Umer, A/44/PV.19: Inam ul Haque)
43rd sess. [1988]: A/43/PV.7: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan (A/43/PV.7: Naela Chohan, A/43/PV.13: Shahid A. Kamal)
42nd sess. [1987, 24 Sept.]: A/42/PV.11*: Prime Minister Mohammad Khan Junejo (A/42/PV.11: Shaukat Umer)
41st sess. [1986]: A/41/PV.15: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan (A/41/PV.17: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan, A/41/PV.19: Qazi Shaukat Fareed)
1985, 23 Oct.: A/40/PV.47*: President Mohammad Zia-ul Haq (Commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the United Nations)
40th sess. [1985]: A/40/PV.18: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan
39th sess. [1984]: A/39/PV.16: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan
38th sess. [1983]: A/38/PV.17: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan
37th sess. [1982]: A/37/PV.16: Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan
36th sess. [1981]: A/36/PV.23: Agha Shahi (A/36/PV.8: Niaz Ahmed Naik, A/36/PV.24: M.A. Bhatty)
35th sess. [1980, 1 Oct.]: A/35/PV.18*: President Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq (A/35/PV.13, A/35/PV.23 and A/35/PV.25: Niaz Ahmed Naik)
34th sess. [1979]: A/34/PV.15: Agha Shahi (A/34/PV.16 and A/34/PV.19: Niaz Ahmed Naik)
33rd sess. [1978]: A/33/PV.21: Agha Shahi (A/33/PV.19: Agha Shahi, A/33/PV.21 and A/33/PV.23: Khurshid Hyder)
32nd sess. [1977]: A/32/PV.9: Agha Shahi
31st sess. [1976]: A/31/PV.8: Aziz Ahmed (A/31/PV.16: Niaz Ahmed Naik, A/31/PV.18: Aftab Ahmad Khan)
1976, 27 Feb.: Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto [visit only]
30th sess. [1975]: A/PV.2373: Aziz Ahmed
29th sess. [1974]: A/PV.2247: Aziz Ahmed (A/PV.2263: Iqbal Akhund)
28th sess. [1973]: A/PV.2147: Aziz Ahmed
1973, 20 Sept.: Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto [visit only]
27th sess. [1972]: A/PV.2059: Tridiv Roy (A/PV.2063: Habibullah Khan)
26th sess. [1971]: A/PV.1953: Mahmud Ali (A/PV.1941 and A/PV.1945: Mahmud Ali, A/PV.1963 and A/PV.1965: Agha Shahi)
1970, 22 Oct.: A/PV.1878*: Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan
25th sess. [1970]: A/PV.1853: Sardar Abdul Rashid (A/PV.1853: Mustafa Kamal, A/PV.1857: Agha Shahi)
24th sess. [1969]: A/PV.1775: Nawabzada Muhammad Sher Ali Khan (A/PV.1770: Mohammed Yunus, A/PV.1776: Nawabzada Muhammad Sher Ali Khan)
23rd sess. [1968]: A/PV.1681: Arshad Husain (A/PV.1690: Mohammed Haneef Khan A/PV.1690 and A/PV.1698: Agha Shahi, A/PV.1692 and A/PV.1701: Arshad Husain)
22nd sess. [1967]: A/PV.1584: Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada (A/PV.1585: Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada)
21st sess. [1966]: A/PV.1423: Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada (A/PV.1423: Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada)
1965, 13 Dec.: A/PV.1393*: President Mohammad Ayub Khan
20th sess. [1965]: A/PV.1339: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (A/PV.1342 and A/PV.1364: M. Ayub, A/PV.1352: Syed Amjad Ali, A/PV.1362: Tariq Abdullah)
19th sess. [1964-1965]: A/PV.1319 and (A/PV.1323: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, A/PV.1325: Syed Amjad Ali)
18th sess. [1963]: A/PV.1220: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (A/PV.1221 and A/PV.1239: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto)
17th sess. [1962]: A/PV.1141: Mohammed Ali (A/PV.1151: Mohammed Ali, A/PV.1153: Mohammed Afzal Cheema)
1962, 26 Sept.: A/PV.1133*: President Mohammad Ayub Khan
16th sess. [1961]: A/PV.1023: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
1961, 17 July: President Mohammad Ayub Khan [visit only]
15th sess. [1960]: A/PV.878: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
14th sess. [1959]: A/PV.808: Manzur Qadir
13th sess. [1958]: A/PV.769: Aly Khan
12th sess. [1957]: A/PV.694: Firoz Khan Noon
1957, 25 July: Prime Minister Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy [visit only]
11th sess. [1956]: A/PV.601: Firoz Khan Noon (A/PV.611: Begum Shiasta Ikramullah)
10th sess. [1955]: A/PV.531: Mohammed Ali
9th sess. [1954]: A/PV.482: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
8th sess. [1953]: A/PV.437: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
7th sess. [1952]: A/PV.395: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
6th sess. [1951]: A/PV.343: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
5th sess. [1950]: A/PV.283: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
1950, 8 May: Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan [visit only]
4th sess. [1949]: A/PV.227: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
3rd sess. [1948]: A/PV.145: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
Note: An asterisk [*] indicates a statement made by a Head of State or Government or a dignitary. Symbols in parentheses indicates right of reply. Symbols where no session information is given indicates that the statement was delivered during a High Level Meeting.
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