Where can I find information about Brazil and the UN?
Last Updated: Nov 07, 2024     Views: 6564

The following information comes from the UN Membership research guide: 


Former FAQ: Where can I find statements made by Brazil during the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly?

FAQs about the General Debate provide comprehensive historic information (1946-2021) and are not updated after the 76th session of the General Assembly. For the latest General Debate statements, see the continually updated research tools linked below.

Representatives of Brazil have delivered statements at the following General Debates of the General Assembly:

76th sess. [2021, 21 Sept.]: A/76/PV.3*: President Jair Messias Bolsonaro

75th sess. [2020, 22 Sept.]: A/75/PV.4*: President Jair Messias Bolsonaro

74th sess. [2019, 24 Sept.]: A/74/PV.3*: President Jair Messias Bolsonaro

73rd sess. [2018, 25 Sept.]: A/73/PV.6*: President Michel Temer

72nd sess. [2017, 19 Sept.]: A/72/PV.3*: President Michel Temer

71th sess. [2016, 20 Sept.]: A/71/PV.8*: President Michel Temer

2016, 19 Sept.: A/71/PV.4 B*: President Michel Temer (High-level Plenary Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants)

70th sess. [2015, 28 Sept.]: A/70/PV.13*: President Dilma Rousseff

69th Sess. [2014, 24 Sept.]: A/69/PV.6*: President Dilma Rousseff

68th Sess. [2013, 24 Sept.]: A/68/PV.5*: President Dilma Rousseff

67th Sess. [2012, 25 Sept.]: A/67/PV.6*: President Dilma Rousseff

66th Sess. [2011, 21 Sept.]: A/66/PV.11*: President Dilma Rousseff

65th sess. [2010, 23 Sept.]: A/65/PV.11: Celso Amorim 

2010, 22 Sept.: A/65/PV.9: Márcia Helena Carvalho Lopes (High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals)

64th sess. [2009, 23 Sept.]: A/64/PV.3*: President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva

63rd sess. [2008, 23 Sept.]: A/63/PV.5*: President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva

62nd sess. [2007, 25 Sept.]: A/62/PV.4*: President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva

61st sess. [2006, 19 Sept.]: A/61/PV.10*: President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva

60th sess. [2005]: A/60/PV.9: Celso Amorim 

2005, 14 Sept.: A/60/PV.3* and 15 Sept.: A/60/PV.5*: President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva

59th sess. [2004, 21 Sept.]: A/59/PV.3*: President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva

58th sess. [2003, 23 Sept.]: A/58/PV.7*: President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva

57th sess. [2002]: A/57/PV.2: Celso Lafer

56th sess. [2001, 10 Nov.]: A/56/PV.44*: President Fernando Henrique Cardoso

55th sess. [2000]: A/55/PV.10: Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia

54th sess. [1999]: A/54/PV.4: Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia

53rd sess. [1998]: A/53/PV.7: Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia

52nd sess. [1997]: A/52/PV.5: Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia

51st sess. [1996]: A/51/PV.4: Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia

1995, 23 Oct.: A/50/PV.37*: President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations)

50th sess. [1995]: A/50/PV.4: Luiz Felipe Palmeira Lampreia

49th sess. [1994]: A/49/PV.4: Celso Amorim

48th sess. [1993]: A/48/PV.4: Celso Amorim

47th sess. [1992]: A/47/PV.4: Celso Lafer

46th sess. [1991, 23 Sept.]: A/46/PV.4*: President Fernando Collor

45th sess. [1990, 24 Sept.]: A/45/PV.4*: President Fernando Collor

1990, 27 Apr.: A/S-18/PV.7: Paulo Nogueira Batista

1990, 20 Feb.:A/S-17/PV.1: Roberto de Abreu Sodre

44th sess. [1989, 25 Sept.]: A/44/PV.4*: President Jose Sarney

43rd sess. [1988]: A/43/PV.4: Roberto de Abreu Sodre

1988, 7 June: A/S-15/PV.10*: President Jose Sarney

42nd sess. [1987]: A/42/PV.4: Roberto de Abreu Sodre

41st sess. [1986]: A/41/PV.4: Roberto de Abreu Sodre

40th sess. [1985, 23 Sept.]: A/40/PV.4*: President Jose Sarney

39th sess. [1984]: A/39/PV.4: Ramiro Saraiva Guerreiro

38th sess. [1983]: A/38/PV.5: Antonio José Vallim Guerreiro

37th sess. [1982, 27 Sept.]: A/37/PV.5*: President Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo

36th sess. [1981]: A/36/PV.5: Ramiro Saraiva Guerreiro

35th sess. [1980]: A/35/PV.4: Ramiro Saraiva Guerreiro

34th sess. [1979]: A/34/PV.5: Ramiro Saraiva Guerreiro

33rd sess. [1978]: A/33/PV.6: Antonio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira

32nd sess. [1977]: A/32/PV.6: Antonio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira

31st sess. [1976]: A/31/PV.5: Antonio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira

30th sess. [1975]: A/PV.2355: Antonio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira

29th sess. [1974]: A/PV.2238: Antonio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira

28th sess. [1973]: A/PV.2124: Mario Gibson Barboza (A/PV.2148: Sergio Armando Frazao)

27th sess. [1972]: A/PV.2038: Mario Gibson Barboza (A/PV.2063: Carlos Calero-Rodrigues)

26th sess. [1971]: A/PV.1940: Mario Gibson Barboza (A/PV.1963: Sergio Armando Frazao)

25th sess. [1970]: A/PV.1841: Mario Gibson Barboza

24th sess. [1969]: A/PV.1755: Jose de Magalhaes Pinto

23rd sess. [1968]: A/PV.1677: Jose de Magalhaes Pinto

22nd sess. [1967]: A/PV.1562: Jose de Magalhaes Pinto

1967, 31 Jan.: President Arthur da Costa e Silva [visit only]

21st sess. [1966]: A/PV.1412: Juracy Magalhaes

20th sess. [1965]: A/PV.1334: Vasco Tristão Leitão da Cunha

19th sess. [1964-1965]: A/PV.1289: Vasco Tristão Leitão da Cunha

18th sess. [1963]: A/PV.1208: Joao Augusto de Araujo Castro

17th sess. [1962]: A/PV.1125: Alfonso Arinos de Melo Franco

1962, 6 Apr.: President Joao Goulart [visit only]

16th sess. [1961]: A/PV.1011: Alfonso Arinos de Melo Franco

15th sess. [1960]: A/PV.868: Horacio Lafer

14th sess. [1959]: A/PV.797: Augusto Frederico Schmidt

13th sess. [1958]: A/PV.749: Francisco Negrao de Lima

12th sess. [1957]: A/PV.680: Oswaldo Aranha

11th sess. [1956]: A/PV.581: Cyro de Freitas Valle

1956, 9 Jan.: President Juscelino Kubitschek [visit only]

10th sess. [1955]: A/PV.518: Cyro de Freitas Valle

9th sess. [1954]: A/PV.486: Ernesto Leme

8th sess. [1953]: A/PV.446: Mario de Pimentel Brandao

7th sess. [1952]: A/PV.394: Joao Neves da Fontoura

6th sess. [1951]: A/PV.335: Mario de Pimentel Brandao

5th sess. [1950]: A/PV.279: Cyro de Freitas Valle

4th sess. [1949]: A/PV.222: Cyro de Freitas Valle

3rd sess. [1948]: A/PV.146: Raul Fernandes

2nd sess. [1947]: A/PV.86: João Carlos Muniz

1947, 24 May:  President Eurico Dutra [visit only]

1st sess. [1946]: A/PV.36: Pedro Leão Velloso



Note: An asterisk [*] indicates a statement made by a Head of State or Government or a dignitary. Symbols in parentheses indicates right of reply. Symbols where no session information is given indicates that the statement was delivered during a High Level Meeting.


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