Where can I find information about the UN-US Headquarters Agreement?
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2025     Views: 1774

The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character outlines relations between states and international organizations.

Headquarters agreements govern the relationship between an international organization such as the UN and the host state where the headquarters of the international organization are located. Included in a typical agreement are provisions related to the status, privileges and immunities, and activities of an international organization.

In the case of the UN, there are a number of headquarters agreements as a number of UN funds, programmes, specialized agencies, secretariats and tribunals have offices based in locations around the world.

These agreements can be found in the UN Treaty Series:

  • Under the Title Search tab enter: United Nations Headquarters
  • Choose "Match all these words"

The UN-US Headquarters Agreement (11 UNTS 11) relates to the UN complex in New York which is considered the principal headquarters of the United Nations. Here are some key documents related to the establishment of the UN-US Headquarters Agreement:

  • A/RES/22(I)B the General Assembly approved the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations in Part A of A/RES/22(I). Part B approves the initial draft of a headquarters agreement as a basis for discussion with the US.
  • A/67 and A/67/Add.1 contain the joint report on the negotiations between the UN negotiating committee and the US government on the language of the Headquarters Agreement as well as the draft headquarters agreement.
  • A/RES/25(1) resolved that the Headquarters should be located near New York. It established a Headquarters commission to study where exactly the UN Headquarters should be located. 
  • A/RES/99(I) authorized the Secretary-General to conclude a headquarters agreement with the US based on a draft agreement contained within A/67 and to make arrangements for a provisional agreement related to the the privileges, immunities, and facilities of the UN headquarters. 
  • A/371 contains the report of the Secretary-General regarding the US-UN Headquarters agreement including comments on the changes made to the original draft agreement.
  • A/427 contains the report of the Sixth (or Legal) Committee to the General Assembly of the study of the agreement by the sub-committee on Privileges and Immunities.
  • A/RES/169(II) approved the agreement between the UN and the US regarding the UN Headquarters in New York.

More information about the origins of the UN-US Headquarters Agreement can be found in the 1947-1948 edition of the UN Yearbook.

Currently, issues related to the Headquarters Agreement are discussed in the Committee on the Relations with the Host State, a sub-committee of the Sixth Committee, and the resulting report is considered as an agenda item of the Sixth Committee. Here are some key searches in the Digital Library for related UN documents:


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