How can I find information about the establishment of diplomatic relations between countries?
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025     Views: 4665

When states establish bilateral diplomatic relations, they may communicate this to other states in a variety of ways. 

If the states request the UN to communicate the information to the other UN Member States, a note verbale will be prepared with the following text:

"The enclosed communication, available in [language(s)], is transmitted to the permanent missions of the States Members of the United Nations at the request of the Permanent Representatives of [State A] and [State B] to the United Nations."

These materials have been collected by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and catalogued. This collection begins in 1977. To search, use the keywords "diplomatic relations" and the name of a country. 

Search for diplomatic relations notes verbales in the UN Digital Library.

Jan 14, 2025     4665


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