How are UN Member States seated in the General Assembly?
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024     Views: 38087

Member States are seated by country name in the General Assembly, in accordance with established practice and A/RES/71/323, para. 42. On the day of the election of the President of the General Assembly, the Secretary-General draws lots to determine which delegation will occupy the first seat in the General Assembly Hall (at the right end of the front row as seen from the podium). The seating order then follows the English alphabetical order of country names. It is valid for the whole session and also applies to the formal meetings of the Main Committees. 

At the end of 2020, in order to allow for social distancing due to the COVID-19 situation in New York, formal in-person meetings were held across three conference rooms.

For the 79th session, Yemen was selected to occupy the first seat.

The information of who is in the first seat is provided each year in the Delegates Handbook.

Session/Year Country Reference
79th - 2024 Yemen A/BUR/79/1
78th - 2023 North Macedonia A/BUR/78/1
77th - 2022 Belize A/BUR/77/1
76th -2021 Suriname A/BUR/76/1
75th-2020 Iceland A/BUR/75/1
74th-2019 Ghana A/BUR/74/1
73rd-2018 Mali A/BUR/73/1
72nd-2017 Czechia A/BUR/72/1
71st-2016 Plurinational State of Bolivia A/BUR/71/1
70th-2015 Tuvalu A/BUR/70/1
69th-2014 Cuba A/BUR/69/1
68th-2013 Croatia A/BUR/68/1
67th-2012 Jamaica A/BUR/67/1
66th-2011 Turkmenistan A/BUR/66/1
65th-2010 Guinea A/BUR/65/1
64th-2009 Cambodia A/BUR/64/1
63rd-2008 Barbados A/BUR/63/1
62nd-2007 Mexico A/BUR/62/1
61st-2006 Sao Tome and Principe A/BUR/61/1
60th-2005 Thailand A/BUR/60/1
59th-2004 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines A/BUR/59/1
58th-2003 Malawi A/BUR/58/1
57th-2002 Lebanon A/BUR/57/1
56th-2001 Haiti A/BUR/56/1
55th-2000 Antigua and Barbuda A/BUR/55/1
54th-1999 South Africa A/BUR/54/1
53rd-1998 Mali A/BUR/53/1
52nd-1997 Honduras A/BUR/52/1
51st-1996 Italy A/BUR/51/1
50th-1995 Mozambique A/BUR/50/1
49th-1994 Romania A/BUR/49/1
48th-1993 Turkmenistan A/BUR/48/1
47th-1992 Poland A/BUR/47/1
46th-1991 Panama A/BUR/46/1
45th-1990 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya A/BUR/45/1
44th-1989 Sao Tome and Principe A/BUR/44/1
43rd-1988 Lao People's Democratic Republic A/BUR/43/1
42nd-1987 United Arab Emirates A/BUR/42/1
41st-1986 Israel seating chart (A/BUR/41/1)
40th-1985 Greece A/BUR/40/1
39th-1984 Tunisia A/BUR/39/1
38th-1983 Afghanistan A/BUR/38/1
37th-1982 Qatar seating chart (A/BUR/37/1)
36th-1981 Lebanon A/BUR/36/1
35th-1980 Guyana A/BUR/35/1
34th-1979 Greece A/BUR/34/1 (Part 1)
33rd-1978 Norway A/BUR/33/1
32nd-1977 Qatar A/BUR/32/1
31st-1976 Indonesia A/BUR/31/1
30th-1975 Madagascar seating chart (A/BUR/183 + Add.1)
29th-1974 Iraq seating chart (A/BUR/182 + Corr.1 & Add.1)
28th-1973 Luxembourg A/BUR/180 + Corr.1 & 2 & Add.1 and Add.2
27th-1972 United Kingdom A/BUR/179/Rev.1
26th-1971 Sweden A/BUR/177
25th-1970 Ivory Coast A/BUR/176
24th-1969 Bulgaria A/BUR/173
23rd-1968 Rwanda A/BUR/170
22nd-1967 Iraq seating chart (A/BUR/167)
21st-1966 Colombia seating chart (A/BUR/165)
20th-1965 Ethiopia seating chart (A/BUR/162)
19th-1964 Mongolia seating chart (A/BUR/160)
18th-1963 Kuwait seating chart (A/BUR/158)
17th-1962 Guinea seating chart (A/BUR/156)
16th-1961 Tunisia seating chart (A/BUR/154)
15th-1960 Burma seating chart (A/BUR/153 & Add.1)
14th-1959 Ghana seating chart (A/BUR/150)
13th-1958 Belgium A/BUR/149
12th-1957 Mexico A/BUR/146
11th-1956 Ecuador A/BUR/142
10th-1955 Brazil A/BUR/140
9th-1954 New Zealand A/BUR/139
8th-1953 China seating chart (A/BUR/137)
7th-1952 USSR seating chart (A/BUR/129)
6th-1951 Pakistan A/BUR/125
5th-1950 Sweden A/BUR/122
4th-1949 Denmark A/BUR/120
3rd-1948 Liberia A/BUR/99
2nd-1947 Iran A/BUR/83
1st-1946 Argentina A/BUR/3


Sep 30, 2024     38087


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