The Consortium was devised in 1998 as an electronic information purchasing and management mechanism for UN programmes and agencies. Previously each UN entity was individually spending time and money negotiating, contracting, ordering, troubleshooting, and paying for many of the same products.
The consortium model allows individual agencies of all sizes and interests to select titles from a constantly growing list of suggested electronic resources that meet their needs. The Consortium Coordinator liaises with the vendors and handles invoices and technical issues on behalf of the agencies. This method simplifies the process for the vendor, since for negotiating and billing they are dealing with one contact, and to the consortium member, who is able to save by banding with other agencies to achieve economies of scale and thus pay a smaller share of a much larger order. The total cost for all products a member agency requires is calculated into an itemized invoice and the agency is required to make a single payment to the UN Headquarters library at the start of each year.
The administrative arrangements are contained within the Memorandum of Agreement. This legal document outlines the responsibilities of the member agency and the Dag Hammarskjöld Library within the Consortium arrangement and must be signed by both parties before an entity can join the Consortium. Original copies are then lodged with the Executive Office. Any change in service would require a new Memorandum of Agreement to be approved and signed.
Disclaimer: answers are prepared by library staff using resources available at the time of writing. This site may include links and references to third-party databases, websites, books and articles, this does not imply endorsement by the United Nations.
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