What is the Index to Proceedings?
Last Updated: Nov 07, 2024     Views: 3171

The Index to Proceedings (ITP) is an annual/sessional bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the major organs of the United Nations:

The ITP is prepared by the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library at the end of each session/year to allow for all documentation to be issued and included.

It provides citation to the parliamentary documentation, meaning it provides the UN document symbols required to find the desired information in the Official Document System (ODS) or the United Nations Digital Library.

The full collection of the Indexes to Proceedings is available in PDF from the Library website.

The ITP was published in print format until 2011. Since the 65th session of the General Assembly, 66th year of the Security Council and 2010 session of the ECOSOC it has been published only as a digital publication with direct links to the full-text documents in all of the official UN languages.

The ITP is also widely held by UN depository libraries and other libraries worldwide. It is currently available in English only.


How is the Index to Proceedings organized?

Each Index consists of:

  • A comprehensive subject index to all the documents (reports, letters, meeting records, resolutions, etc.) issued by the body during a particular session/year
  • An index to speeches delivered before the body during a particular session/year. This speech index is divided into three parts:
    • Country/organization 
    • Speakers
    • Subjects 

Each subject entry is related to an agenda item or, in the case of the Security Council, a matter considered by it. The entries are organized by body and type of document. Each entry provides a complete set of documents that relates to the agenda item or Security Council matter from that session/year.

The Index to Proceedings has many additional features, among them:

  • Voting charts
  • Tables indicating meeting dates
  • Lists of resolutions adopted during the particular session/year
  • Sessional information (e.g. lists of officers, information on the rules of procedure)
  • Lists of documents



The ITP can be purchased from shop.un.org or by reaching out to order@un.org. UN depository libraries who wish to continue receiving the print version are entitled to a special discounted price (50% off the list price in developing countries and 25% in developed countries).


Disclaimer: answers are prepared by library staff using resources available at the time of writing. This site may include links and references to third-party databases, websites, books and articles, this does not imply endorsement by the United Nations.