I am looking for information about donations, gifts, or art.
Most of the artworks displayed in the United Nations Headquarters in New York have been presented as gifts or donations to the organization.
General Assembly resolution 63/270 of 7 April 2009 requested the Secretary-General to create a gift registry. The website is linked below.
The Library also has the following books on this topic:
In addition, the Library has a few internal resources to assist with this research, including the DPI Press Feature No. 214 of July 1971, titled “Gifts presented to the United Nations at headquarters”(attached)
The Yearbook of the United Nations and press releases are good starting points for research on this topic.
Disclaimer: answers are prepared by library staff using resources available at the time of writing. This site may include links and references to third-party databases, websites, books and articles, this does not imply endorsement by the United Nations.
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